Stay at home | Find your feel good factor
Right now, as we head towards Easter in the crazy times we are living through, it is hard stay positive particularly when many of us are separated from family and friends, partners or have experienced illness or loved ones passing away from this deadly virus that has arrived so suddenly and changed the world so completely.
If we think back to just eight weeks ago, where we are now would be unthinkable and perhaps that is the best way for us all to cope – by not spending too much valuable time dwelling on the present uncertainties that we are surrounded with and more importantly to concentrate on the valuable and precious lessons we are learning at this unsettling period of time.
So as we head towards the bank holiday, and think about all those exciting plans we had booked that should have been happening right now – holidays, trips to art galleries, the theatre, just spending lots of time together as a family, well, hopefully those will happen again but for now just being able to have health and and a roof over our heads and for some, a bit of outside space, gives us much to be grateful for.
Zone out
Those many things that we have taken for granted – a walk outside without feeling the need to cover our mouths, a kiss to a loved one who doesn’t live in our home, being able to shop in a supermarket anytime we want and buy what we want – it seems crazy that those times are, for the minute a pipe dream, but perhaps this locked in scenario gives a moment of reflection to appreciate just how fortunate we have been for so long and now is the time to take stock of our many blessings and to try as best we can to look after both our health, our communities and our world in a much better and more active way.
Finally let's find that ‘feel good factor’ whether it be some yoga or meditation, trying a new skill – I’m teaching myself to do portraits; telling jokes, whatever it is, keep moral up for your sake and for those who you live with!
Stay safe and stay home and if you would like some unbelievably soft and comforting Homebody we are open we just will take a bit longer to deliver to you.
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