Sleeping in the Heat

When the temperature rises, a good night’s sleep can be really tricky and never more so than this week, when, as we here in the UK head out into a bit more freedom, and perhaps back into the office environment once more, our heads are filled with day to day worries that are hard to shift – so what can we do: 

My advice is always to keep to a routine: It is so important as the world around us seems to hover from disaster to disaster, to maintain a sense of normality.

Waking up at a regular time in the morning; stick to an exercise regime that you enjoy and makes you smile: it could be jogging, cycling, walking – particularly in this weather, but go first thing  or last thing to avoid over heating or sun burn– it is a great way to start the morning with fresh positivity!

Eat well three times a day and try not to snack. When we are full and not starving the weight stays off, so however tempting, don’t skip breakfast or lunch but take time for you  with some self care and even a ten minute break will be calming and help you reconfigure your mind.

When you finish your day and are ready to relax, take a cool shower before heading to bed.

Keep your space that you sleep in at as cool a temperature as you can as of course we would all love air con, but if not open a window, pop a fan in. The room would also be more sleep friendly if its tidy to make the room feel bigger and more spacious (not easy, especially for me, but I know it works!)

Pay no attention to the news as it will only disturb – as a good friends of mine told me last week “NEWS IS TO THE BRAIN WHAT SUGAR IS TO THE BODY!” – love that!

Take a book to bed as it will help dislodge any thoughts and get you into a peaceful mindset for bed – this is my favourite time of the day!

Keep your bedding clean and wash more frequently in the heat and this will also help with our skin as we do tend to sweat during these hot nights and this will prevent breakouts on the skin.

Maintain a bedtime routine that is familiar, and particularly when it comes to what you wear to bed.

So many experts talk about how to sleep well, but don’t mention the important part what you choose to wear to bed – so here are my thoughts:

Even though it feels like madness to wear sleepwear in high Summer, our pyjamas do adjust to the body temperature, just wear less, - for example our boxer shorts are a fabulous option for right now (and gender friendly!) as you get just that extra sweet softness from the fabric that will sooth you into sleep ( my partner told me he was so hot last night he decided to sleep naked, but couldn’t drift off so had to put back his contrast shorts! It works.

So tonight, don’t swelter and give my tips a go and remember our sale is on now and there are some great options for a great night’s sleep!




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