Sleep well...Homebody's Top Tips on how to have a perfect nights sleep
Getting to sleep when living in the city is always going to be a challenge, whether it be the sounds outside, the atmosphere in the home or the thoughts in our minds, sleeping well can be very tough to achieve and in my experience it is about having the right tools in the toolbox to be able to cope with those nights when sleep just won’t happen.
With our mobiles constantly on hand, the bedroom is no longer the sanctuary it once was and rest and relaxation are becoming increasingly elusive as we continue to work and play until the late hours of the night and then wake up tired the next day, wondering where it all went wrong.
As we age, our bodies change and I have discovered it is about learning to adapt to these changes and create some healthy habits that may sound boring but do actually work! So, these are the tips that have helped me cope with my crazy life:
Getting to bed at a decent time
Ideally before eleven at night and switching off ALL electrical equipment! – if possible charge your phone out of the room.
Invest in a good night light or a kindle with an in built light
Find a really boring book i.e. (its great if you are studying because a text book always works for me!)
Comfy pillows
These are a must and have a few extra for cuddling if you wake up in the night
No caffeine after seven pm
Stick to camomile tea or even better a small cup of Sleepy tea
Sip water
Only a little water after seven pm do not drink too much otherwise moonlight loo visits can be really annoying!
The best tip I have been given for a sleeping well above everything else is to meditate – it can be the recommended thirty minutes, but if, like me, you are impatient even a few minutes can do the trick!
Sleep Apps and Podcasts
I know I have recommended switching off the phone, but for wellbeing purposes using your mobile apps for unwinding really does help: Find a quiet space where you will not be interrupted or tell everyone to leave you in peace. The trick is to be able to focus your mind completely on the words you are hearing and letting your thoughts disappear – once you can do that its amazing and a real game changer!
With today being #nationalpodcastday. We at Homebody, have compiled a list of our top 5 apps and podcasts to aid sleep. Let us know how you get on.
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