Homebody Press Day - The Pop up Bedroom

One of the most exciting things that happened this week apart from the snow was our crazy pop up morning on Tuesday.

Despite the weather warnings of the beast from the East, Susie, Alex and I braved the arctic conditions, with a bulk amount of our Modal sens fabric, a blow up bed, some healthy snacks and juices and sauntered into our office block in Soho and turned it into a Homebody sanctuary of peace and tranquility.

The scene was set

Outside of the boardroom or bedroom as it soon became, the urban cool gang were beavering away at their lap tops, but while everyone in the building was furiously typing away, we were setting up floaty white shades for the glass panel doors and blowing up our king size bed transforming a work zone into a rest zone.

The wipe board became a bedhead, the tables became bedside tables and the linens and pillows were thrown onto the bed with cushions and fabric all made from Modal sens, and within a few hours, we had made our pop up boudoir.

As we talked to our visitors throughout the morning, the theme became clear – Sleep was a problem for many people and along with other important factors, is a key ingredient to wellbeing and life longevity.

The Press 

We talked to Grazia magazine about the difficulty many people have with sensitive skin and how even the best-known labels sometimes compromise on how fabric feels when wearing it. For example, how many times have you bought a beautiful mohair jumper, only to discover you cannot actually wear it as it makes you feel itchy and that is really annoying, particularly when you have spent a large amount of money on a designer piece – we know how many people rely on Homebody because of its beautifully soft and nurturing feel and the fact that it is hypoallergenic.

Another really interesting chat was with Harry from Esquire - He works as a personal trainer and we talked at length about the importance of routine and how Homebody is a great asset to have when you are beginning your sleep routine and need to come home after a busy day and start downtime. The importance of creating a reliable routine cannot be underestimated, and it must be a schedule that fits with each individual’s lifestyle and is a routine that will be stuck to through thick and thin whatever pops up – because trust me, things always do!

We all agreed that the morning was well worthwhile despite the funny looks we got as we carried our bed, fabrics and clothes from the building into the blizzard that had risen up while we were busy drinking green tea, so who knows where we will pop up next – watch this space!