Introducing Beverley and Susie

At Homebody, we believe in the transformative power of relaxation. That is why we design luxury pyjamas, sleepwear and loungewear that enhance those rare moments of calm.

In our first Inside Homebody Blog, Homebody founders Beverley Calvert and Susie Manning discuss what ‘Home’ means to them and the ways in which they find their own moments of calm within their daily routine.

    Home means to me...

    Home is safe. Home is where I can be me with no judgement. I'm a cancerian and as a home lover it seems my most natural place: it's warm, it's comfortable, it's familiar, it's with my family, it's England.

      Home is that Sunday feeling after a roast followed by a walk in the country. It’s clean sheets on the bed and the family tucked up ready to start another week.

      My moment of calm...

      Swimming in the sea. A walk in the park. My mediation moment pre sleep. A coffee after gym. When everyone is out of the house and I can turn the music up and dance.

        I find peace in nature, in the evening when everyone has finally fallen asleep and I can lay out under the wisteria in the corner of my garden and hear nothing but the sound of nature and my own breath.