25% Discount for Mother’s in Honor of My Mum
As Mother’s Day approaches it has made me consider being a mum and what having a mum means to me. Having sadly lost my mother to illness when she was relatively young, it is always hard for me when it comes to Mother’s day, as I remember times we were together and a missing link that will always be in my heart, whether it was because she would spoil me like no one else, or because she gave me lots of advice - that although I never listened to – I knew she meant well by.
Having a mother when growing up, that is always in your corner, fighting your battles, feeling your pain and cheering you on – well that is a blessing, even if it is sadly for just a short time.
When we are young, we always think we know best and our mothers just get it wrong, but it is only when we become parents ourselves, the lessons they tried to teach us, really hit home.
When I was young, I remember clearly my mum shouting at me to turn my lights off and go to bed, and never wanting to, as there was always something better to do even if it was just watching TV late into the night. Now just listen to me with my kids!!
It was always part of our lives that sleep was never to be interrupted and having a good routine, meant the same bedtime ‘every night’, was actively encouraged from a very early age
As a mother now of four grown up children, I recall clearly, standing outside my children’s bedrooms when they were babies, waiting for them to stop crying, as I tried valiantly to get them into a sleep routine that saw them through the night and how difficult that was to do.
However it is living with my daughter now, as she has become a new mother herself, that I realise just how much devotion and love is kindled when first becoming a mother, and it is those first moments of bonding, between mother and child that needs to be nurtured throughout life.
There are the challenges -the never ending sleepless nights, the worry that even the slightest cough can be serious, and most of all the sheer exhaustion that leaves even the most capable, wrecked!
As a new mother, our relationship with sleep changes dramatically – gone is that enchanting experience of waking up naturally after a full night’s sleep and in its place, a new reality, where sleep is perpetually out of reach.
Night and day transitions vanish and sleep becomes something squeezed between feeds – it’s a really grueling time– but hopefully, doesn’t last too long, although it can feel like forever, when in the thick of it!
Nutrition, exercise, meditation, all are great tools for mums to rely on who are short of time, and they will all help achieve a routine of sleeping through the night and with the final and most important tool of wearing Homebody, mums, can be assured of a great night’s sleep!
In honor of my darling mum Selma and Mother’s day we would like to offer a 25% discount for our women’s collection, use code MOTHERS25 at the checkout – go on…treat yourself xx